This course will give the students a basic knowledge of internal control and auditing, making them able to undertake various tasks of internal control and audit. The course will cover topics such as auditing concepts, audit cycles and audit planning, evaluation of the internal control systems, the internal control process, audit sampling, and the audit process.

This third-year course is offered in the fifth semester of the Program. Competency 01H8 will be achieved upon successful completion of Small Business Accounting I 410-111-LE, Small Business Accounting II 410-211-LE, Computerized Accounting Systems 410-412-LE, and Corporate and Government Accounting 410-311-LE. Upon the successful completion of this course the students will be able to:

·       synthesize the knowledge they have acquired in the other accounting courses for the conduct of internal auditing and control;

·       analyze and evaluate the internal control systems of an enterprise;

·       understand the working procedures and use audit tools for the auditing work;

·       understand the important role of an auditor, his/her professional ethics, and legal responsibilities.